
AdoptaUnJunior - Nodejs Backend Developer

Feb. 2024 - Current

I actively collaborate in the development and improvement of the platform's API using Node.js, in close collaboration with a multidisciplinary team. My responsibilities include implementing requirements defined in Trello, which has not only strengthened my technical skills but also my ability to work effectively within a team.

NTT Data - PL/SQL Developer

Sept. 2023 - Dec. 2023

I learned how to develop with PL/SQL. This experience demonstrated how to collaborate with a small team on a large application. I managed requirements written by colleagues, translating them into code and validating it against the development database.
The key takeaway was mastering the optimization of SQL and PL/SQL queries, along with gaining proficiency in working with Oracle Database

Recent projects

Petit - Acortador URL

A URL shortener developed using Node.js with a straightforward React interface. It generates a unique five-character code referencing a real URL.

- React, NodeJS, MariaDB

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Web Application that allows users to share YouTube tutorials or discover others recommended by the community.

- React, NodeJS, MariaDB, Docker

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A complete blog built with Laravel, where users can both write their own recipes and explore those shared by others.

- PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Blade

The Universe

A straightforward website displaying the latest SpaceX launch in real-time, along with related news updates.

- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Weather App

A weather application that utilizes the OpenWeather API to provide up-to-date weather information.

- HTML, AJAX, CSS, JavaScript

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